
Team mindfulness: putting Phil Jackson's "one breath, one mind" philosophy to the test

Team mindfulness: putting Phil Jackson's "one breath, one mind" philosophy to the test

Zip lines. Escape rooms. Improv. Just three popular team building/team bonding activities. Another workplace bonding activity that not only reinforces cohesiveness and collaboration but may also reduce conflicts is team mindfulness. 

Sleep better, work better. The mindfulness link.

Sleep better, work better. The mindfulness link.

Odds are you’ve had—or currently have--a boss or colleague who sends emails at all hours of the day and night. Who hasn’t rolled their eyes upon seeing a 2:00 am time stamp upon checking their phone in the morning? Burning the midnight oil used to be a badge of honor. Now, thankfully, we know that getting a full seven to eight hours of sleep a night makes you a better leader and a better worker.

Mindfulness, the lubricant for enhanced learning and retention

Mindfulness, the lubricant for enhanced learning and retention

When you think of the benefits of mindfulness, what comes to mind? Being present? Reducing stress? Quieting your thoughts? Yes, yes and yes. And now we have evidence that mindfulness puts learners in an optimal engagement and retention zone.

What if our workplaces could become havens of happiness?

What if our workplaces could become havens of happiness?

In these tumultuous times, in which many feel a lack of control, doesn’t it make sense to purposely reduce hostility, incivility and other aggressive behavior wherever we can? The workplace is one of the places where we have this power, utilizing the tools of mindfulness (and other types of training), to minimize negative feelings and aggressive behavior, not to mention initiating a cascade of other positive effects.

Cyberloafing, the scourge of managers everywhere

Cyberloafing, the scourge of managers everywhere

The quaint-sounding term cyberloafing has not-so-quaint economic consequences: a whopping $85 billion annually in the U.S alone. What can be done to curtail cyberloafing?

I'm Sorry...

I'm Sorry...

Have you ever wondered why we start so many sentences with “I’m sorry.”  We apologize for the weather; we say “sorry” when we want someone to...

Moral Courage

Moral Courage

If you asked someone if they would risk their life to save someone they love, most people would say without hesitation, “yes of course!” But when it comes to everyday situations, such as standing up for a mistreated colleague or taking a position against gossip, most of us would pause...

Where Is Your Attention?

Where Is Your Attention?

As we all heal from the recent tragic events, you may be asking yourself the question, "how can I be prepared should I find myself in an unthinkable situation in which I need to react quickly to save my life and the lives of those around me?" 

Woman on a High Wire

Woman on a High Wire

While women have made significant progress in obtaining professional positions and are equally represented as men in middle-level positions, women are still a rare sight at the top of organizations or on boards of directors.