
Getting Personal: The Power of Appreciation

Getting Personal: The Power of Appreciation

According to Forbes, there’s a $46 billion market for employee recognition rewards. And this amount is only related to recognition rewards given as symbols of gratitude, rather than as explicit bonuses for performance. So, do monetary items like gift cards deliver the impact and meaning desired? Or, is a thank you better? Let’s find out…

Leadership: It's a Matter of Trust

Leadership: It's a Matter of Trust

I’m in the process of completing my research for my doctorate in organizational psychology. This research involves interviews with women executives in large U. S. organizations. As I begin to analyze these very honest, insightful interviews, one word keeps coming up — one word that is critical to being an effective leader.

The Emotion Nobody Wants To Talk About: Envy

The Emotion Nobody Wants To Talk About: Envy

There’s been a lot of discussion about the impact of social media and its potential for unwanted, negative effects. Many of these negative effects are derived from our feelings of envy. Yet, envy is not an emotion anyone wants to talk about. However, left unmanaged, envy can be harmful to individuals and to organizations. So, what are the implications and what can we do about it?

Gossip at Work

Gossip at Work

A recent study found that nearly 90% of workplace conversations fall under the category of gossip (Bassuk & Lew, 2016). This leads to many wide-ranging impacts in the workplace. So, is there a solution to mitigate some of the impact? Let’s take a look…

Team mindfulness: putting Phil Jackson's "one breath, one mind" philosophy to the test

Team mindfulness: putting Phil Jackson's "one breath, one mind" philosophy to the test

Zip lines. Escape rooms. Improv. Just three popular team building/team bonding activities. Another workplace bonding activity that not only reinforces cohesiveness and collaboration but may also reduce conflicts is team mindfulness.