Situational Awareness

Be Here Now: Seek, Soak, Savor

Be Here Now: Seek, Soak, Savor

Even though we live in an intensified environment of uncertainty, there are various emotional regulation and coping strategies that we can use to minimize the adverse side effects of living with varying levels of uncertainty. One such coping strategy is savoring. Here’s how to savor a moment…

One Thing That's Certain: Uncertainty.

One Thing That's Certain: Uncertainty.

We like certainty. We are hard-wired to want to know what is happening and when. When things feel uncertain or when we don't feel safe, we become stressed. Why does this happen and what are the consequences? Read Part 1 of our series on uncertainty to learn more.

Striving for a Stress-Free Life?

Striving for a Stress-Free Life?

When we focus only on the negative impacts of stress, we are not seeing the whole picture. That's because stress is both good (eustress) and bad (distress). Here are some of the factors which influence whether we interpret stress as a good or bad, and if we should really be aiming for a stress-free life…

I'm So Bored!

I'm So Bored!

Last night I got a text from a friend that started with, “I’m so bored!”. I understood why she might feel that way. Many of the things we do to make our lives interesting and satisfying have changed or stopped. In reflecting on her text, I have to admit, I feel bored even though I have more than enough to do. So why do I feel this way? That prompted me to review recent research on this topic.

Gossip at Work

Gossip at Work

A recent study found that nearly 90% of workplace conversations fall under the category of gossip (Bassuk & Lew, 2016). This leads to many wide-ranging impacts in the workplace. So, is there a solution to mitigate some of the impact? Let’s take a look…

One For You, Three For Me

One For You, Three For Me

Most of us have to admit that we’re guilty of buying many things for ourselves when we shop for others. In fact, a National Retail Federation study in 2015 found that over 55% of consumers plan to treat themselves during the holiday season. Before you reach for that credit card, consider this…

Minimizing cognitive bias via mindfulness

Minimizing cognitive bias via mindfulness

While there are scores of studies about the consequences of cognitive bias, little research has been done specifically within the workplace, and how such thinking has an impact on the bottom line. Until now. A 2017 study of 3,570 white-collar college-educated professionals was the first of its kind to quantify the cost of bias.

Six management challenges, one all too often over-looked solution

Six management challenges, one all too often over-looked solution

There is no shortage of research conducted by neuroscientists and psychologists, among other experts, demonstrating the impact of mindfulness not only on our personal lives but also on our professional lives. One solution to six of the most common management challenges is mindfulness.