
When Uncertainty is Positive

When Uncertainty is Positive

Typically, we find uncertainty uncomfortable and are willing to take action to reduce it (Lovallo and Kahneman, 2000). While uncertainty is often associated with negative emotions, in some circumstances, it is related to positive emotions. Here’s how to switch your mindset to be more positive during uncertain times!

Making Decisions in Times of Uncertainty

Making Decisions in Times of Uncertainty

Most decisions are based on less than perfect information. So instead of feigning or seeking certainty, we need to be open about the uncertainty surrounding a decision. Emotions also play a big role in the decision making process. Read more about it here… and make better decisions using the checklist included in this week’s blog!

Be Here Now: Seek, Soak, Savor

Be Here Now: Seek, Soak, Savor

Even though we live in an intensified environment of uncertainty, there are various emotional regulation and coping strategies that we can use to minimize the adverse side effects of living with varying levels of uncertainty. One such coping strategy is savoring. Here’s how to savor a moment…

Maintaining A Positive Mindset

Maintaining A Positive Mindset

Despite the many things beyond our control, our mindset is absolutely crucial in coping with difficult circumstances and facing the unknown. Denying or suppressing our emotions about uncertainty will only increase stress and anxiety and make us more vulnerable to depression (Buheji et al., 2020a). Here’s how to cultivate a positive mindset necessary to face uncertainty…

We Are Not Helpless

We Are Not Helpless

Accepting to live with the reality of ambiguity enhances our ability to deal with all possibilities and to confront sudden events with more confidence. Living with uncertainty helps us plan for today and tomorrow. Here are some coping strategies that can help (and some that won’t)…

Living with Uncertainty

Living with Uncertainty

It’s not surprising that those of us who are less comfortable with uncertainty would have a difficult time today with the magnitude of uncertainty we are experiencing. But it is also an opportunity to re-invent our lives. How well do you adjust to uncertainty? Find it out with a few reflection questions and then learn what to do about it.

One Thing That's Certain: Uncertainty.

One Thing That's Certain: Uncertainty.

We like certainty. We are hard-wired to want to know what is happening and when. When things feel uncertain or when we don't feel safe, we become stressed. Why does this happen and what are the consequences? Read Part 1 of our series on uncertainty to learn more.