
What Are We Missing?

What Are We Missing?

Attention is not just about the things we focus on. It's also about the things that we miss. We know that attention is both selective and limited. It sometimes works just like we want, and other times, we don't understand why we struggle to control it. Find the tactics to build attention in this week’s blog.

Is This Conversation Over?

Is This Conversation Over?

Ever been trapped in a conversation and couldn’t get out of it? Ever felt that a conversation ended too abruptly, leaving you feeling dissatisfied and even a little hurt? Find out about natural conversation rules and why, despite them, we leave conversations unsatisfied for at least one side of the party…

Time to Step Out of the Echo Chamber?

Time to Step Out of the Echo Chamber?

We all have the tendency to expose ourselves to information and associate with people who share our view of the world. It’s such a pervasive phenomenon that social psychologists have a name for it, they call it ‘living in an echo chamber’. But, what happens if we step out of it?

The Secret to Giving the Perfect Gift

The Secret to Giving the Perfect Gift

To many of us, the holidays mean gift-giving. Each year we vow that we will start early and dazzle everyone with our thoughtfulness and generosity. We obsess about who to buy for…“What would they like? Where can I get it? And how much money should I spend?”.  Even with all this worry and effort, we often fail to find the perfect gift for that particular person. But, why?

Exercising leadership muscles with mindfulness

Exercising leadership muscles with mindfulness

The benefits of mindfulness go far beyond reducing stress, which is more than enough of a reason for leaders and managers to incorporate mindfulness exercises into daily life. We share other favorable outcomes of a mindfulness practice.

Team mindfulness: putting Phil Jackson's "one breath, one mind" philosophy to the test

Team mindfulness: putting Phil Jackson's "one breath, one mind" philosophy to the test

Zip lines. Escape rooms. Improv. Just three popular team building/team bonding activities. Another workplace bonding activity that not only reinforces cohesiveness and collaboration but may also reduce conflicts is team mindfulness. 

Minimizing cognitive bias via mindfulness

Minimizing cognitive bias via mindfulness

While there are scores of studies about the consequences of cognitive bias, little research has been done specifically within the workplace, and how such thinking has an impact on the bottom line. Until now. A 2017 study of 3,570 white-collar college-educated professionals was the first of its kind to quantify the cost of bias.