Manage Stress

Declutter Your Mind

Declutter Your Mind

You know the feeling. You walk into a room and forget why you went there. Or, your mind goes blank mid-sentence. In other words, your mind gets overloaded and has reached its capacity. The ability to actively hold information for short periods in our minds is known as working memory. Here is what it looks like, and how you can “train” your working memory…

Holiday Stress is Approaching: Are You a High Achiever or Perfectionist?

Holiday Stress is Approaching: Are You a High Achiever or Perfectionist?

You can feel the shift in energy every year around the holidays. It’s a mixture of excitement and anxiety…what a combination! We assume that we’re always stressed this time of year and that’s just the way it is.  After all, do we really have a choice? Well, of course, we do. Check out the differences between high achievers and perfectionists and see where you fall. Then, make a choice to exercise self-compassion and proper perspective.

Let It Go

Let It Go

Have you ever shared your frustrations or recounted a stressful day with a friend, and they say, “You need to let it go.”? Most of us would admit that this is not what we want to hear. Instead, we want to wallow in it, re-live it, and have someone tell us that we are right to be upset. Yet, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that we really do need to “let it go”.