Embark on the journey of behavior change with realistic expectations. While initial motivation drives success, it's essential to anticipate and overcome obstacles along the way. Explore why setting achievable goals is key to long-term success. Read on to navigate your path to lasting change.
Hey, Did You Hear That…?
"Gossip separates the best of friends." Most of us associate gossip with a malicious intention to enjoy relaying negative information about someone (Beersma & Van Kleep, 2012). However, in scientific literature, gossip is often defined differently.. What should we believe, and should we control our urge to “gossip”?
Finding Gratitude in the Chaos
COVID-19 has hit the U.S. and has shut down businesses and schools all over the country. College students are having to switch to online classes and forced to move out of their dorms and move back home. As a senior in college, I’ve had my final semester abruptly cut short. Yet, there are still things to be thankful for.