Holiday Stress

On-the-Go Mindfulness Practices

On-the-Go Mindfulness Practices

Thanksgiving is over and the holiday season is officially underway. With everything on our To-Do list, we often make time to handle the extra activities by letting go of self-care practices. Take a peek at this week’s blog for on-the-go daily practices, so self-care doesn’t get forgotten.

Easing Travel Tension

Easing Travel Tension

Traveling at any time can be stressful, but especially during the holidays. This is exactly the time when having control of our attention can make all the difference. Having spent literally decades in airports, Levelhead’s CEO, Saundra Schrock, shares her useful tips to ease travel tension by turning it into a mindfulness practice.

One For You, Three For Me

One For You, Three For Me

Most of us have to admit that we’re guilty of buying many things for ourselves when we shop for others. In fact, a National Retail Federation study in 2015 found that over 55% of consumers plan to treat themselves during the holiday season. Before you reach for that credit card, consider this…

Holiday Stress is Approaching: Are You a High Achiever or Perfectionist?

Holiday Stress is Approaching: Are You a High Achiever or Perfectionist?

You can feel the shift in energy every year around the holidays. It’s a mixture of excitement and anxiety…what a combination! We assume that we’re always stressed this time of year and that’s just the way it is.  After all, do we really have a choice? Well, of course, we do. Check out the differences between high achievers and perfectionists and see where you fall. Then, make a choice to exercise self-compassion and proper perspective.