Happier Holidays

Make Every Day Christmas

Make Every Day Christmas

Don’t you wish you could bottle up the joy and excitement of the holidays? While we may dismiss this idea as just an impossibility, it is possible to build the ability to spark joy in everyday life. Learn to balance the obligatory items with everyday life in this week’s blog.

Is Happiness a Choice?

Is Happiness a Choice?

In an overview of studies on happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky found that we control at least 40% of our happiness through our focus and choices (Lyubomirsky, 2013). We now know we can raise our happiness by cultivating positive emotions such as love, kindness, compassion, gratitude, hope, and inspiration. Here are some science-based ways to boost your happiness and well-being.

Celebrating is Good for Our Mental Health

Celebrating is Good for Our Mental Health

This year, weddings, birthdays, graduations, and other celebrations were canceled or remarkably subdued. Because of that, it might be tempting to downplay the holiday season like we have with other celebrations this year, especially with surging COVID cases. If you are in that mindset, you might want to rethink that decision. Based on an abundance of evidence, it is even more critical for our mental well-being that we engage in rituals of the holiday season, while observing the limitations needed to keep us safe from the virus.

The Awe of a Child

The Awe of a Child

Do you remember the holiday season as a child? Can you recall the anticipation and excitement of what Santa might bring you? Or better yet, if you have children now, can you feel their excitement for the upcoming holidays? When I think of my childhood holiday experiences, the word that comes to mind is “awe”. This year, many of us may not be feeling full of awe, however. So, how do we get these feelings back?

Feeling Pressure to Be Grateful?

Feeling Pressure to Be Grateful?

With Thanksgiving coming up, most of us begin thinking about the rituals that surround this event, including the chance for each person to share a reflection of gratitude around the table. For some who are more introverted or uncomfortable with being put on the spot, this may not help us feel more grateful. So, let’s look at some fresh new ways to express gratitude this holiday season…

The Secret to Giving the Perfect Gift

The Secret to Giving the Perfect Gift

To many of us, the holidays mean gift-giving. Each year we vow that we will start early and dazzle everyone with our thoughtfulness and generosity. We obsess about who to buy for…“What would they like? Where can I get it? And how much money should I spend?”.  Even with all this worry and effort, we often fail to find the perfect gift for that particular person. But, why?

Holiday Stress is Approaching: Are You a High Achiever or Perfectionist?

Holiday Stress is Approaching: Are You a High Achiever or Perfectionist?

You can feel the shift in energy every year around the holidays. It’s a mixture of excitement and anxiety…what a combination! We assume that we’re always stressed this time of year and that’s just the way it is.  After all, do we really have a choice? Well, of course, we do. Check out the differences between high achievers and perfectionists and see where you fall. Then, make a choice to exercise self-compassion and proper perspective.

Shoo the Flu - Become a Carrier of Gratitude

Shoo the Flu - Become a Carrier of Gratitude

Most people in the U. S. think of Thanksgiving as the official launch of the busy holiday season. While that’s true, it’s also the unofficial start of the cold and flu season. Instead of spreading sickness, consider being a carrier of gratitude.  It seems that gratitude, just like a cold, is contagious - and it’s good for your health, too!