
Feeling "Blah"?

Feeling "Blah"?

As we enter the post-pandemic environment, numerous researchers and psychologists are noticing that many people are exhibiting symptoms similar to PTSD. Some of the symptoms appear to be mild and short-lived. Others are difficult to shake off. Why is that the case…and what can we do about it?

Reboot Your Mood in 2021

Reboot Your Mood in 2021

Are you feeling disoriented or unmotivated to start the new year? You have probably felt like this in previous years after the holidays. Still, this year it might be even more challenging to get moving after a year of chronic stress. Instead of allowing these feelings to keep you from embracing all that the year offers, here are six evidence-based ways to get your energy back.

I'll Do It Later

I'll Do It Later

Even before the pandemic, many of us struggled with procrastination. And now that we have lost the predictability and structure of our daily routines, many of us say that our motivation to get things done is waning. So, how do we combat this habit to delay tasks?

Gaining vs. Losing: A Weight Loss Mindset

Gaining vs. Losing: A Weight Loss Mindset

Hear from Sue Beranek, Levelhead’s Director of Communications, regarding powerful insights she’s “gained” from mindfulness practice while trying to “lose” a few pounds. Maybe there’s a helpful tip that will help you with something you’re trying to change, too.

The Secret to Giving the Perfect Gift

The Secret to Giving the Perfect Gift

To many of us, the holidays mean gift-giving. Each year we vow that we will start early and dazzle everyone with our thoughtfulness and generosity. We obsess about who to buy for…“What would they like? Where can I get it? And how much money should I spend?”.  Even with all this worry and effort, we often fail to find the perfect gift for that particular person. But, why?

Giving Thanks at Work

Giving Thanks at Work

It’s that time of the year when we look at the calendar and say, “Is it Thanksgiving already?" And that thought leads to considering all the things we have to do.  Shopping, cooking and traveling...

Importance of Play

Importance of Play

When was the last time you played? If you can't remember what it is like to play, all you need to do is watch children at play for a few minutes to remember what it feels like to be completely free to move, laugh, and create with no particular goal in mind except to enjoy the moment.