Authentic Self

What Do You Want From Life?

What Do You Want From Life?

“What do you want from life?” When faced with a question like this, many of us will say something like “happiness.” But what if we strove for “authenticity”, “wisdom”, “meaning” or “success”? Read all about it in this week’s blog!

Get Real

Get Real

Over the past few years, organizations are becoming more and more concerned about aligning individual and organizational values with how the business operates on a daily basis (Kinsler, 2014). One leadership approach that is currently being explored is Authentic Leadership. So, what does this mean and how do you develop it?

What's On Your 2019 Resolution List?

What's On Your 2019 Resolution List?

A 2018 poll completed by Marist College found that “being a better person” and “weight loss” share the top spot as the most frequently mentioned resolutions for 2018. So, what does it mean to be a “better person”? Learn how Saundra reflected on this question and what she’s focused on in 2019.

Be more like Satya Nadella and mind the empathy gap

Be more like Satya Nadella and mind the empathy gap

How refreshing in these chaotic times to see a CEO of a $250B company on national television (CBS Sunday Morning) speak about empathy and compassion as a business essential. Since Satya Nadella took the reins from Steve Ballmer to run Microsoft four years ago, he has been on a mission to transform the company’s hard-charging and competitive culture to foster growth. And it’s working.

Cyberloafing, the scourge of managers everywhere

Cyberloafing, the scourge of managers everywhere

The quaint-sounding term cyberloafing has not-so-quaint economic consequences: a whopping $85 billion annually in the U.S alone. What can be done to curtail cyberloafing?

2018: You Are Enough

2018: You Are Enough

It’s 2018, and once again we are bombarded with ideas on what our New Year’s resolutions should be.  Messages are everywhere reminding us that we are not slim enough, healthy enough, or wealthy enough.

I'm Sorry...

I'm Sorry...

Have you ever wondered why we start so many sentences with “I’m sorry.”  We apologize for the weather; we say “sorry” when we want someone to...

Giving Thanks at Work

Giving Thanks at Work

It’s that time of the year when we look at the calendar and say, “Is it Thanksgiving already?" And that thought leads to considering all the things we have to do.  Shopping, cooking and traveling...

In-out Listening

In-out Listening

We are inundated with large amounts of information.  At our fingertips or through voice-activated programs, we can get information on just about anything. The sheer volume of information we are exposed to demands we learn to be good multitaskers if we are to survive on any average day.

Moral Courage

Moral Courage

If you asked someone if they would risk their life to save someone they love, most people would say without hesitation, “yes of course!” But when it comes to everyday situations, such as standing up for a mistreated colleague or taking a position against gossip, most of us would pause...