Critical Thinking

Bias for Negativity

Bias for Negativity

For decades, we have known that the brain searches for and locks in on negative information, events, and feelings. And, recently, we have all seen how the media often focuses primarily on the “bad news” to get our attention. But, why? What can we learn from this bias for negativity?

Time to Step Out of the Echo Chamber?

Time to Step Out of the Echo Chamber?

We all have the tendency to expose ourselves to information and associate with people who share our view of the world. It’s such a pervasive phenomenon that social psychologists have a name for it, they call it ‘living in an echo chamber’. But, what happens if we step out of it?

In-out Listening

In-out Listening

We are inundated with large amounts of information.  At our fingertips or through voice-activated programs, we can get information on just about anything. The sheer volume of information we are exposed to demands we learn to be good multitaskers if we are to survive on any average day.

Moral Courage

Moral Courage

If you asked someone if they would risk their life to save someone they love, most people would say without hesitation, “yes of course!” But when it comes to everyday situations, such as standing up for a mistreated colleague or taking a position against gossip, most of us would pause...