Have you ever noticed that spending a lot of time with people, even those you love, often prompts irritation, impatience, and boredom? Find tactics for appreciation of your loved ones.
How to Flatten Your Stress Curve
Feeling Blah? Cure #4: Purposeful Work
Even before the pandemic, American workers struggled to reach their full potential. In a 2017 study of 14,500 workers, 85% said they were not working to 100% of their potential (Hill & Turiano, 2014). When we define our work, having a sense of purpose means that we feel our work is more than just a paycheck or creating value for an organization. It means that we are connected to something bigger than ourselves. Here’s a place to begin…
Feeling Blah? Cure #3: Mindfulness & Meaning
Feeling Blah? Cure #2: Meaning through Adversity
Victor Frankl, the father of the study of purpose and meaning, believed that life has intrinsic meaning and our faith in meaning and love can triumph over all challenges, including the pandemic (Wong, 2020). Moreover, times of adversity can actually move us to think more profoundly about the day-to-day challenges of life. Consider the following questions and what action to take this week!
Feeling Blah? Cure #1: A Sense of Purpose
Feeling "Blah"?
Decision Fatigue
I'm Having a Bad Day!
Need a Reason to Smile?
A common comment related to my blog on mask-wearing was that people missed seeing other people’s smiles. It’s understandable that we feel this way. For example, when someone smiles at us, we smile back. Now, with the need to wear a mask, others can’t see our smile and we can’t see theirs. Perhaps without the prompt of seeing others’ smiles, we may be smiling less, which may have the effect of compounding a negative mood.