
Need a Reason to Smile?

Need a Reason to Smile?

A common comment related to my blog on mask-wearing was that people missed seeing other people’s smiles. It’s understandable that we feel this way. For example, when someone smiles at us, we smile back. Now, with the need to wear a mask, others can’t see our smile and we can’t see theirs. Perhaps without the prompt of seeing others’ smiles, we may be smiling less, which may have the effect of compounding a negative mood.

What I've Learned About Wearing a Mask

What I've Learned About Wearing a Mask

For months now, I have been wearing a mask when I cannot socially distance. And, I have worn it enough now to start to notice things about myself and others. If you are an observer of human behavior as I am, this highly unusual phenomenon offers an abundance of opportunities to gain insights. Here are some of mine.