We know from research that in times of uncertainty, we tend to think the worst. Even when a situation or message could be interpreted as positive, we often interpret it as negative, especially when we lack information. While it is unlikely that we can avoid worry in our lives, we can learn to manage it and improve the quality of our lives. The following a six-step process than can help you gain control over your thoughts…
Declutter Your Mind
You know the feeling. You walk into a room and forget why you went there. Or, your mind goes blank mid-sentence. In other words, your mind gets overloaded and has reached its capacity. The ability to actively hold information for short periods in our minds is known as working memory. Here is what it looks like, and how you can “train” your working memory…
We Are In This Together
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “we are in this together” numerous times over the past few weeks. But, who is the “we” for you? If we narrowly identify the group that we belong to, we miss out on the consequences of our actions to those in the broader social circle. Let’s take a look at how to expand our thinking.
Hoarding or Stocking Up?
What’s the deal with the run on toilet paper? Why did everyone decide that they need a basketful of this particular product? While many experts have sought to explain this phenomenon with various theories, it might be as simple as this, it’s our way of trying to exert control in a world that feels out of control.