
What Are We Missing?

What Are We Missing?

Attention is not just about the things we focus on. It's also about the things that we miss. We know that attention is both selective and limited. It sometimes works just like we want, and other times, we don't understand why we struggle to control it. Find the tactics to build attention in this week’s blog.

Give Yourself a Digital Time Out

Give Yourself a Digital Time Out

Digital devices are great tools to help us with various essential tasks and are critical to our lives. During the pandemic, we became even more reliant on them for work, education, shopping, and social connections. Yet, giving ourselves time away from our devices is a healthy and refreshing break everyone needs. Discover tools in this post!

Power of Anticipation

Power of Anticipation

We all need something to look forward to, especially now that we can expect weeks and perhaps months of social distancing ahead. A healthy sense of “anticipation” can often help energize our lives and help us get through tough times. However, our environment has changed so much that even looking forward to the weekend has lost some of its sparkle. So, what can we do to get the sparkle that comes from the anticipation of a reward?

Passionate Restraint

Passionate Restraint

One of the most pervasive gender-based stereotypes relates to emotion.  As I discussed in my blog “Women on a High Wire,” the idea that women are more emotional than men leads people to the conclusion that women do not make good leaders.