
Talent Squeeze

Talent Squeeze

The talent challenge is severe for employers. Data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis showed a steady and significant increase in voluntary “quits” during the pandemic. And this trend isn’t likely to subside any time soon. Here is a list of action items an organization faced with a talent squeeze might consider…

Workplace Realities and Transformation

Workplace Realities and Transformation

The pandemic threw the workplace headfirst to determine what was needed to survive. Businesses learned to navigate remote, hybrid, synchronous, asynchronous, and in-person methods. As we employers figure out what is best for our businesses and our employees, here are ideas to explore…

Team mindfulness: putting Phil Jackson's "one breath, one mind" philosophy to the test

Team mindfulness: putting Phil Jackson's "one breath, one mind" philosophy to the test

Zip lines. Escape rooms. Improv. Just three popular team building/team bonding activities. Another workplace bonding activity that not only reinforces cohesiveness and collaboration but may also reduce conflicts is team mindfulness.