Unlike happiness, delight, awe, and other positive emotions, joy requires us to define a set of morals and values that orient us toward respect and responsibility to others. Find the tools for meaning-making to increase joy in your life in this week’s blog!
Talent Squeeze
The talent challenge is severe for employers. Data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis showed a steady and significant increase in voluntary “quits” during the pandemic. And this trend isn’t likely to subside any time soon. Here is a list of action items an organization faced with a talent squeeze might consider…
Workplace Realities and Transformation
Kind Actions
Decades of research indicate that acts of kindness provide substantial benefits to our wellbeing. But how much kindness is needed? Several studies show that at least five acts of kindness are necessary over the week (Lyubomirsky & Layous, 2013). Here’s which acts of kindness are necessary over the week…
Kind Feelings
Three Pillars of Kindness
Lean on Your Friends
There is no question that this period of time has been one of the most difficult and challenging periods that we have ever experienced. Every aspect of our lives has been impacted. While it may be difficult to find a silver lining in all of this, I think getting to know my friends on a deeper level has been one of the most beneficial aspects of having this shared challenge.
Mindful Love: What "Heart" Practices Will You Employ?
February is all about the heart: Valentine’s Day, Go Red for Women, American Heart Month. You see reminders everywhere of things you can buy and give to show your love. For me, February is a reminder of how my mindfulness practice can help me build and create relationships. Here are some helpful “heart” practices you can employ without spending a dime...