
Kind Actions

Kind Actions

Decades of research indicate that acts of kindness provide substantial benefits to our wellbeing. But how much kindness is needed? Several studies show that at least five acts of kindness are necessary over the week (Lyubomirsky & Layous, 2013). Here’s which acts of kindness are necessary over the week…

Kind Thoughts

Kind Thoughts

The second pillar of kindness is kind thoughts. The best way to think about this is to picture the running dialogue in our heads. Typically, that dialogue is composed of thoughts about ourselves and others. It's that voice that whispers things like, "that person doesn't like me," or “they think I'm not smart, etc." Let’s learn how to address these thoughts and develop self-compassion.

Compassion Requires Action

Compassion Requires Action

It’s been said that compassion is the ACTION component of empathy. In other words, when you demonstrate compassion, you move beyond just feelings, you are moved to ACTION to alleviate suffering. Hear from Sue Beranek, Levelhead’s Director of Communications, on what she’s learned as she’s tried to employ more compassion lately.