
Remodel Your Daily Routine

Remodel Your Daily Routine

The arrival of Spring means that Winter is finally behind us for another year, and life will soon be in bloom wherever you look. Taking little steps to remodel your routine and organize your life will help you reach your goals because a little can go a long way. Here are just a few ideas to consider...

Sleep better, work better. The mindfulness link.

Sleep better, work better. The mindfulness link.

Odds are you’ve had—or currently have--a boss or colleague who sends emails at all hours of the day and night. Who hasn’t rolled their eyes upon seeing a 2:00 am time stamp upon checking their phone in the morning? Burning the midnight oil used to be a badge of honor. Now, thankfully, we know that getting a full seven to eight hours of sleep a night makes you a better leader and a better worker.

Mindfulness, the lubricant for enhanced learning and retention

Mindfulness, the lubricant for enhanced learning and retention

When you think of the benefits of mindfulness, what comes to mind? Being present? Reducing stress? Quieting your thoughts? Yes, yes and yes. And now we have evidence that mindfulness puts learners in an optimal engagement and retention zone.