New Routines

Rewire Your Brain for Happiness

Rewire Your Brain for Happiness

Research on happiness indicates that only 10% of happiness is accounted for by life circumstances, with genetic differences accounting for 50%, leaving us with 40% of happiness within our control. While a rewiring of our inner world may be much more daunting than cleaning our closets, it will be worth the effort. To help you get started on this critically important task, you can practice these four areas. Give them a try!

Remodel Your Daily Routine

Remodel Your Daily Routine

The arrival of Spring means that Winter is finally behind us for another year, and life will soon be in bloom wherever you look. Taking little steps to remodel your routine and organize your life will help you reach your goals because a little can go a long way. Here are just a few ideas to consider...

Magical Thinking

Magical Thinking

It's January, and it is time for us to put into action all the promises we made to change our behavior in 2021. Even though we have known long before the new year what we needed to change, we gave ourselves permission to continue these “bad” habits until now. Logic would say that if you're going to change a habit or behavior, any time is an excellent time to start. However, year after year, we pick arbitrary times like Mondays or the quintessential day of January 1 to begin. Why?



With all that is going on in our world, the words of Charles Darwin are particularly insightful to me. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one that is most adaptable to change.” So, what does adaptability really mean and why is it important?

Our New Normal

Our New Normal

Everyone seems to be talking about the need to establish “our new normal”. You may have noticed that people have a lot of ideas on what activities we should include in this new normal. There are two concerns with this broad-based approach. Let’s learn what they are and how to successfully establish our own personal “new normal”.