
Don't Go to Bed Mad

Don't Go to Bed Mad

Most of us have heard the saying, “The best way to maintain a healthy relationship is to not go to bed mad.” This is rather good advice even if it wasn’t based in research…until now. While we can’t control all the stressors that come into our lives, making a conscious effort to resolve conflict can be a means to substantially reduce our stress level. Here are some tips to consider…

Does a Busy Mind Keep You Awake at Night?

Does a Busy Mind Keep You Awake at Night?

Do you toss and turn at night? Do you churn things in your mind, robbing you of much-needed sleep? If so, you aren't alone. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults need seven or more hours of sleep per night to reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes. Many fall short of this guideline. So, what can you do to improve your sleep?

Sleep: More Important Than Ever

Sleep: More Important Than Ever

Research shows that only about half of us are satisfied with either the quality or amount of sleep we get (Lau et al, 2018). And this was before Covid-19. With so much going on in the world and in our personal lives, it is understandable that we may be experiencing even more difficulty with our sleep habits. So, what can we do about it?

Sleep better, work better. The mindfulness link.

Sleep better, work better. The mindfulness link.

Odds are you’ve had—or currently have--a boss or colleague who sends emails at all hours of the day and night. Who hasn’t rolled their eyes upon seeing a 2:00 am time stamp upon checking their phone in the morning? Burning the midnight oil used to be a badge of honor. Now, thankfully, we know that getting a full seven to eight hours of sleep a night makes you a better leader and a better worker.