Consequences of Our Stay-at-Home Lifestyle

Consequences of Our Stay-at-Home Lifestyle

If you have found yourself with a bit of extra weight during the pandemic, you aren't alone. Research shows that approximately 22% of adults reported that they have gained between 5-10 pounds (Zachary et al., 2020). Unfortunately, most of us will give up on our goal to lose these extra pounds in about a month. Here is how we form unhealthy habits during our stay-at-home lifestyle, and what to do about it.

Bias for Negativity

Bias for Negativity

For decades, we have known that the brain searches for and locks in on negative information, events, and feelings. And, recently, we have all seen how the media often focuses primarily on the “bad news” to get our attention. But, why? What can we learn from this bias for negativity?

Is This Conversation Over?

Is This Conversation Over?

Ever been trapped in a conversation and couldn’t get out of it? Ever felt that a conversation ended too abruptly, leaving you feeling dissatisfied and even a little hurt? Find out about natural conversation rules and why, despite them, we leave conversations unsatisfied for at least one side of the party…

Do You Hate to Talk on the Phone?

Do You Hate to Talk on the Phone?

If you feel like you have started to delay or avoid making calls, are feeling extremely nervous or anxious before, during, and after a call, or perhaps obsessing or worrying about what you’ll say, you aren’t alone. The good news is that there are things you can do to overcome your phone anxiety and reverse your dislike of phone calls. Here are a few things you can try…

A Leader Who Cares

A Leader Who Cares

Our home became our place of work. Dining tables became desks, sofas became office chairs, and we struggled to carve up space in our home for others to work or attend virtual classes. As a manager, it is critical to actively engage in practices designed to help employees effectively deal with working at home. Here are just a few ideas to consider…

Declutter Your Mind

Declutter Your Mind

You know the feeling. You walk into a room and forget why you went there. Or, your mind goes blank mid-sentence. In other words, your mind gets overloaded and has reached its capacity. The ability to actively hold information for short periods in our minds is known as working memory. Here is what it looks like, and how you can “train” your working memory…

Worried About Your Social Media Use?

Worried About Your Social Media Use?

With the lack of certainty today, it is not surprising that we often don’t feel we have control over our lives. This is troublesome because a sense of control is an essential component of what it means to be human. We will go to great lengths to gain this sense of control, even if it means engaging in non-productive or unwanted behaviors. We are drawn to social media because it reduces our anxiety by giving us a temporary feeling of control (Atroszko et al., 2018). So, are we using it too much?