Does a Busy Mind Keep You Awake at Night?

Does a Busy Mind Keep You Awake at Night?

Do you toss and turn at night? Do you churn things in your mind, robbing you of much-needed sleep? If so, you aren't alone. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults need seven or more hours of sleep per night to reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes. Many fall short of this guideline. So, what can you do to improve your sleep?

Making Mindfulness a Habit

Making Mindfulness a Habit

From the beginning, the Levelhead approach to developing a mindfulness practice was based on the assumption that people have busy lives and need to be able to practice whenever, wherever it fits their lifestyle. We realize that people are time-starved and have a limited desire for practices that require more than 5 minutes. Take a look at what recent research says about what is needed to develop a mindfulness practice…

Gratitude as a Habit

Gratitude as a Habit

Recently, I saw a study that captured my attention because it aimed to understand the extent to which participants could establish a habit of gratitude thinking before sleeping (Lo & Leung, 2020). The researchers defined gratitude as an inclination to appreciate and savor daily events and experiences. Here is what the researchers found.

Shaming Others

Shaming Others

As I recover from having COVID-19 late last year, I am stunned by how much shaming I hear and see. I'm sure I am sensitive to this because of my experience, but it seems that there is a lot more shaming than compassion and care. Let’s take a look at why people resort to shaming and what to do about it.

Planning a Trip Later This Year?

Planning a Trip Later This Year?

Today, I took a giant leap of faith and booked flights for Thanksgiving. Like most of you, going to the grocery store has been my big “travel opportunity” lately. So, booking airfare ten months from now was a big step. Almost immediately, I felt a little better and began to imagine what it would be like to travel without fear and anxiety. Reflecting on how my plans boosted my mood, I wondered if there was research on this topic. Here’s what I found…

Reboot Your Mood in 2021

Reboot Your Mood in 2021

Are you feeling disoriented or unmotivated to start the new year? You have probably felt like this in previous years after the holidays. Still, this year it might be even more challenging to get moving after a year of chronic stress. Instead of allowing these feelings to keep you from embracing all that the year offers, here are six evidence-based ways to get your energy back.

Magical Thinking

Magical Thinking

It's January, and it is time for us to put into action all the promises we made to change our behavior in 2021. Even though we have known long before the new year what we needed to change, we gave ourselves permission to continue these “bad” habits until now. Logic would say that if you're going to change a habit or behavior, any time is an excellent time to start. However, year after year, we pick arbitrary times like Mondays or the quintessential day of January 1 to begin. Why?

Pandemic Fatigue

Pandemic Fatigue

After months of socially restricting our interactions, we are restless and long for the company of family and friends. Some of us are even showing signs of more serious psychological distress, such as depression and anxiety. And, during the holidays, we saw people choose to ignore the advice from experts and participate in family gatherings, often flying to see them while others complied and stayed at home. So, why do some people comply and others do not?

Try Something Different with Your New Year's Resolutions

Try Something Different with Your New Year's Resolutions

Most of us set goals or resolutions for the upcoming year. And with the disruption to our lives prompted by the pandemic, many of us probably have an extra-long list of things we would like to change. Even though most of us have not been successful in previous years’ resolutions, each year we are confident that this year will be different. Here are some ideas to improve your chances of success this year.