
Managers: your multitasking does more damage than you imagine

Managers: your multitasking does more damage than you imagine

A colleague shared that he once worked for someone who constantly typed email and texts on her smartphone, not only during weekly group meetings but also during his last annual review. There could be no clearer message that 1) the boss was not paying attention to the task at hand and 2) she had little regard for subordinates. There are also other unintended consequences of such behavior.   

2018: You Are Enough

2018: You Are Enough

It’s 2018, and once again we are bombarded with ideas on what our New Year’s resolutions should be.  Messages are everywhere reminding us that we are not slim enough, healthy enough, or wealthy enough.

I'm Sorry...

I'm Sorry...

Have you ever wondered why we start so many sentences with “I’m sorry.”  We apologize for the weather; we say “sorry” when we want someone to...

In-out Listening

In-out Listening

We are inundated with large amounts of information.  At our fingertips or through voice-activated programs, we can get information on just about anything. The sheer volume of information we are exposed to demands we learn to be good multitaskers if we are to survive on any average day.

Woman on a High Wire

Woman on a High Wire

While women have made significant progress in obtaining professional positions and are equally represented as men in middle-level positions, women are still a rare sight at the top of organizations or on boards of directors.