
Be more like Satya Nadella and mind the empathy gap

Be more like Satya Nadella and mind the empathy gap

How refreshing in these chaotic times to see a CEO of a $250B company on national television (CBS Sunday Morning) speak about empathy and compassion as a business essential. Since Satya Nadella took the reins from Steve Ballmer to run Microsoft four years ago, he has been on a mission to transform the company’s hard-charging and competitive culture to foster growth. And it’s working.

I'm Sorry...

I'm Sorry...

Have you ever wondered why we start so many sentences with “I’m sorry.”  We apologize for the weather; we say “sorry” when we want someone to...

In-out Listening

In-out Listening

We are inundated with large amounts of information.  At our fingertips or through voice-activated programs, we can get information on just about anything. The sheer volume of information we are exposed to demands we learn to be good multitaskers if we are to survive on any average day.