Need a Reason to Smile?

Need a Reason to Smile?

A common comment related to my blog on mask-wearing was that people missed seeing other people’s smiles. It’s understandable that we feel this way. For example, when someone smiles at us, we smile back. Now, with the need to wear a mask, others can’t see our smile and we can’t see theirs. Perhaps without the prompt of seeing others’ smiles, we may be smiling less, which may have the effect of compounding a negative mood.

What I've Learned About Wearing a Mask

What I've Learned About Wearing a Mask

For months now, I have been wearing a mask when I cannot socially distance. And, I have worn it enough now to start to notice things about myself and others. If you are an observer of human behavior as I am, this highly unusual phenomenon offers an abundance of opportunities to gain insights. Here are some of mine.

Too Much Togetherness

Too Much Togetherness

Over the past few months, many of us have enjoyed a lot of benefits of being at home with our loved ones. Many of us had the opportunity to do things together that we haven’t had time to do before. All this extra time together was a welcome change. But now, as time goes on, all of this togetherness is resulting in many of us experiencing something I call closeness fatigue. So, what can we do about it?

Ironing: A Mindfulness Practice?

Ironing: A Mindfulness Practice?

I’m no domestic goddess. Because of that, there’s usually a long list of things I would rather not do around the house. But recently, I’ve noticed that I have a newfound urge to clean and organize. Perhaps it is a welcome break from everything that is going on. Or, maybe it is the appeal of getting something completely done and the satisfaction that comes with that. But I think the primary reason is that I have incorporated these routine tasks into my daily mindfulness practice.

Power of Why

Power of Why

During this time of uncertainty, we are hungry for information. Often times, this is a result of people communicating with urgency and not a lot of planning. In this rushed state, it’s totally understandable that our first thought in communicating is focused on what, when, and where, with little or no focus on why. But, that’s not the first thought of the receiver of information. Let’s learn about the power of why…

Fighting Fear and Finding Hope

Fighting Fear and Finding Hope

Today, one of the predominate emotions we are experiencing is fear. And rightfully so. Yet, our fear often leads to anxiety and depression which has the effect of freezing us in place. It can also drain us of energy and can destroy motivation to take action. So, what steps can we take to manage our fear?

Being Socially Mindful

Being Socially Mindful

Most of us think of mindfulness as an individual experience. However, researchers have recently begun to explore a concept called social mindfulness. This concept expands the notion of mindfulness to include an awareness of how our actions and decisions impact others’ decisions and available choices. It’s easy to see how this type of focus is especially critical today. Let’s take a look…

I'll Do It Later

I'll Do It Later

Even before the pandemic, many of us struggled with procrastination. And now that we have lost the predictability and structure of our daily routines, many of us say that our motivation to get things done is waning. So, how do we combat this habit to delay tasks?

On/Off Thinking

On/Off Thinking

Just a few short weeks ago, we were asked to stay at home and not go out unless we absolutely had to. Decisions were made for us about what we could or could not do. We may not have liked it, but our decisions were easy. That’s because we understand “on/off” thinking or “dichotomous thinking”. But, what is it really and how does this type of thinking hold us back when it comes to positive behavior changes?



With all that is going on in our world, the words of Charles Darwin are particularly insightful to me. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one that is most adaptable to change.” So, what does adaptability really mean and why is it important?