What causes you stress and anxiety might create energy and excitement in another. Following this thinking, new research indicates that it is not enough to consider how much or what type of stress we experience (Rudland et al., 2020). It suggests it is more about how we perceive and respond to it. Whether we interpret stress as good or bad is influenced by many factors. Read more in this week’s blog…
How do relaxation techniques reduce stress?
What feelings do you associate with relaxation?
When you think about taking time for yourself, do you feel guilty? While many of us have learned that pushing ourselves beyond our limits damages our physical and mental health, work performance, relationships, and overall satisfaction with life, we still believe that we do NOT have time to relax and replenish. However, the good news is that we can develop the ability to lower our stress levels and improve our health without taking a lot of time out of our day. Here’s more…
What are the benefits of relaxation?
What are the steps in relaxation?
Am I Worrying for Nothing?
We know from research that in times of uncertainty, we tend to think the worst. Even when a situation or message could be interpreted as positive, we often interpret it as negative, especially when we lack information. While it is unlikely that we can avoid worry in our lives, we can learn to manage it and improve the quality of our lives. The following a six-step process than can help you gain control over your thoughts…
Workplace Realities and Transformation
Leaders: You Can Help Others Manage Stress
Previously, we shared a number of ideas to help you turn the tables on stress, no matter your stress profile. But, forming new work-related habits doesn’t have to stop with you personally. Whether you are the boss or not, you can do a lot to reduce the stress of others. And, if you are a leader, here are a few ideas to consider…
Turn the Tables on Stress and Burnout
Is it Me or My Workplace?
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 70 million people left their job in 2021. And almost two-thirds of staff who left the workplace have left in the last six months. Companies are struggling to address the problem. If you feel it is time to leave your job, it might be worth taking some time to consider if it is your job or if it’s you. Here are a few self-reflection questions to consider…