
Is it Me or My Workplace?

Is it Me or My Workplace?

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 70 million people left their job in 2021. And almost two-thirds of staff who left the workplace have left in the last six months. Companies are struggling to address the problem. If you feel it is time to leave your job, it might be worth taking some time to consider if it is your job or if it’s you. Here are a few self-reflection questions to consider…

Symptoms of Stress and Burnout

Symptoms of Stress and Burnout

Daily life has been wholly uprooted over the past few years. We’ve learned to juggle a constant onslaught of dilemmas that we have never dealt with before. Here are the leading causes of burnout, and some of the many symptoms we can experience when stressed…

Feeling Burned Out?

Feeling Burned Out?

Remember March 2020? Most of us, including myself, thought that this thing called COVID-19 would be over in a few weeks. It’s not surprising that this chronic pandemic stress has increased the likelihood of burnout and severe mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, and substance use. In this blog, discover what burnout is and how to identify your sources of stress…

Stress, Anxiety, and Learning

Stress, Anxiety, and Learning

Recent research in the neuroscience of learning has revealed a linkage between overall well-being and the learning process. Educators understand this linkage and have become increasingly concerned about the high level of stress and anxiety in today’s learning environment. That's because they know learning is maximized when it occurs in a positive, healthy, efficient, and effective manner. So, what can we do about it?

Stress and Decision Making

Stress and Decision Making

There’s no question that all of us are under an unusual amount of stress. And when we are under acute levels of stress, our decision-making process is impaired. Yet, while much of our lives are on hold, there are still important decisions that need to be made. Here are a few things to consider before you make major decisions in your life.

Four Areas for Managing Stress & Anxiety

Four Areas for Managing Stress & Anxiety

This is unquestionably a period where all of us are experiencing an enormous amount of stress. And what makes it even more challenging is that the source of stress is multi-faceted. With all of this going on, it’s understandable that we would be experiencing higher levels of stress, anxiety, and even depression. However, there are steps that we can take to break out of this cycle and be able to maintain as much of our normal lives as possible.

Holiday Stress is Approaching: Are You a High Achiever or Perfectionist?

Holiday Stress is Approaching: Are You a High Achiever or Perfectionist?

You can feel the shift in energy every year around the holidays. It’s a mixture of excitement and anxiety…what a combination! We assume that we’re always stressed this time of year and that’s just the way it is.  After all, do we really have a choice? Well, of course, we do. Check out the differences between high achievers and perfectionists and see where you fall. Then, make a choice to exercise self-compassion and proper perspective.

Let It Go

Let It Go

Have you ever shared your frustrations or recounted a stressful day with a friend, and they say, “You need to let it go.”? Most of us would admit that this is not what we want to hear. Instead, we want to wallow in it, re-live it, and have someone tell us that we are right to be upset. Yet, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that we really do need to “let it go”.