
Stress, Anxiety, and Learning

Stress, Anxiety, and Learning

Recent research in the neuroscience of learning has revealed a linkage between overall well-being and the learning process. Educators understand this linkage and have become increasingly concerned about the high level of stress and anxiety in today’s learning environment. That's because they know learning is maximized when it occurs in a positive, healthy, efficient, and effective manner. So, what can we do about it?

Torn Between "Want" and "Should"

Torn Between "Want" and "Should"

How are you feeling about those goals you set in January? Are you finding that you’re constantly faced with decisions about “want” and “should”? Is behavior change based on the strength of your willpower or are there better strategies that lead to success?

Sleep better, work better. The mindfulness link.

Sleep better, work better. The mindfulness link.

Odds are you’ve had—or currently have--a boss or colleague who sends emails at all hours of the day and night. Who hasn’t rolled their eyes upon seeing a 2:00 am time stamp upon checking their phone in the morning? Burning the midnight oil used to be a badge of honor. Now, thankfully, we know that getting a full seven to eight hours of sleep a night makes you a better leader and a better worker.

Six management challenges, one all too often over-looked solution

Six management challenges, one all too often over-looked solution

There is no shortage of research conducted by neuroscientists and psychologists, among other experts, demonstrating the impact of mindfulness not only on our personal lives but also on our professional lives. One solution to six of the most common management challenges is mindfulness.

Managers: your multitasking does more damage than you imagine

Managers: your multitasking does more damage than you imagine

A colleague shared that he once worked for someone who constantly typed email and texts on her smartphone, not only during weekly group meetings but also during his last annual review. There could be no clearer message that 1) the boss was not paying attention to the task at hand and 2) she had little regard for subordinates. There are also other unintended consequences of such behavior.