Does this sound familiar? You are asked, "What do you want for dinner?” and your automatic response is, "I don't care. You decide.” This is an example of a phenomenon called "decision fatigue." Here are some of the symptoms of decision fatigue and tips to help…
I'm Having a Bad Day!
Need a Reason to Smile?
A common comment related to my blog on mask-wearing was that people missed seeing other people’s smiles. It’s understandable that we feel this way. For example, when someone smiles at us, we smile back. Now, with the need to wear a mask, others can’t see our smile and we can’t see theirs. Perhaps without the prompt of seeing others’ smiles, we may be smiling less, which may have the effect of compounding a negative mood.
Fighting Fear and Finding Hope
Today, one of the predominate emotions we are experiencing is fear. And rightfully so. Yet, our fear often leads to anxiety and depression which has the effect of freezing us in place. It can also drain us of energy and can destroy motivation to take action. So, what steps can we take to manage our fear?
By now, most of us have been confined to our homes for at least a few weeks. With all of this closeness and the extra tension we’re all feeling, we may have lost our patience with someone close to us. Or, we may have been hurt by the words or actions of another. Whether you were the offender or the person wounded, holding in these feelings can have a big impact on both your emotional and physical well-being. Is it time to forgive?
Emotional Hunger
Are you one of those people whose feelings have a lot to do with what and how much you eat? You’re not alone. Emotional hunger refers to a cycle of eating triggered by an emotion. Many of us eat when we’re happy, stressed, anxious, and even when we’re bored. Let’s take a look at how we can curb this tendency.
The Emotion Nobody Wants To Talk About: Envy
There’s been a lot of discussion about the impact of social media and its potential for unwanted, negative effects. Many of these negative effects are derived from our feelings of envy. Yet, envy is not an emotion anyone wants to talk about. However, left unmanaged, envy can be harmful to individuals and to organizations. So, what are the implications and what can we do about it?