Our Senses.png

Much of the time, we are not aware of the magnificent sensory experience that's available each moment of the day. Learn why your senses can be another powerful vehicle for your practice.

Previous Videos:

  • Just Breathe - Breathing is a simple, effective way of reconnecting to the present and an essential tool in your Levelhead practice.

  • Everyday Activities - Learn how to stop moving through the day on automatic pilot, especially when tackling everyday activities.

  • Create and Innovate - Learn how a beginner's mind and mindfulness-based practice can lead to breakthrough thinking, creativity, and real innovation.

  • Being Intentional with Our Electronic Devices - Electronic devices can serve as a useful tool in our lives and yet, can also take away precious time to be more present. Learn how you can make the choice.

  • Serial Tasking - Learn how and why mindfulness-based practice helps you break the “multi-tasking” habit.

  • Control Your Attention - Learn about the "attentional blink" and how it impacts your focus and memory.

  • Purpose of Practice - As you begin your Levelhead journey, it's helpful to take a moment to understand "why" for your daily practice.


View our References page to learn more about the science behind Mindfulness.