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A “beginner’s mind” is critical to breakthrough thinking, creativity, and real innovation. In this short video, learn how Levelhead practice helps you be more open, eager, and free from preconceptions.

Previous Videos:

  • Being Intentional with Our Electronic Devices - Electronic devices can serve as a useful tool in our lives and yet, can also take away precious time to be more present. Learn how you can make the choice.

  • Serial Tasking - Learn how and why mindfulness-based practice helps you break the “multi-tasking” habit.

  • Control Your Attention - Learn about the "attentional blink" and how it impacts your focus and memory.

  • Purpose of Practice - As you begin your Levelhead journey, it's helpful to take a moment to understand "why" for your daily practice.


View our References page to learn more about the science behind Mindfulness.