
Prepare for Setbacks

Prepare for Setbacks

As humans, we often think in binary terms such as “black and white” or “all or nothing”, rather than shades of gray. This tendency is called dichotomous thinking. When we are embarking on making behavior changes, we often fall into this trap. Here’s how to avoid it…

Essential Words for the Future: Resiliency and Adaptability

Essential Words for the Future: Resiliency and Adaptability

In a review of hundreds of academic and organizational research articles related to the post-pandemic, resiliency and adaptability were the most frequently mentioned words associated with the future of work. While resilience and adaptability are related, they are different in several ways. Here’s how and ways we can adapt in five areas of personal development.

Stressed Out & Unhealthy: The Workplace Is Not the Same

Stressed Out & Unhealthy: The Workplace Is Not the Same

If you feel your workplace seems different than before the pandemic, you aren’t alone. It’s because we are different and still under significant stress. Here are a few highlights from a recent study that help shine a light on what’s happening and WHY leaders should pay close attention to employee well-being.

Post-Pandemic Work: Now What?

Post-Pandemic Work: Now What?

We may have turned a corner with the virus, but we aren’t feeling relieved and stress-free. There has been one crisis after another, and the world seems to be heading in the wrong direction. Even the most hopeful of us are having trouble seeing a positive future. What does this new era mean for the workplace and work relations?

Bouncing Back from Setbacks

Bouncing Back from Setbacks

As humans, we often think in binary terms such as “black and white” or “all or nothing”, rather than shades of gray. This tendency is called dichotomous thinking. When we are embarking on making behavior changes, we often fall into this trap. Here’s how to avoid it…

"Yes, We Have Hand Sanitizer!"

"Yes, We Have Hand Sanitizer!"

On our favorite Sunday drive, we drove past a very small convenience store that caters to the hiking and camping crowd. The owners decided that they would capture what little traffic there was by posting a handwritten sign that said, “Yes, we have hand sanitizer.” The sign prompted me to think about just how much change we’ve adapted to over the past few weeks. Our adaptation seems to have no limit and we are just now discovering what we are all truly capable of…