Stress and Decision-Making

Stress and Decision-Making

Scientists who study stress say that our brains are not built to do complex thinking, planning, and remembering in times of massive upheaval. In fact, the limbic system is hyperactive during negative emotions and stress. Making decisions while taking into account the considerations in this blog might help!

Build Your Relaxation Response

Build Your Relaxation Response

Many of us push our minds and bodies to the limit, often at the expense of our physical and mental wellbeing. The response to our daily activities may include an increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and an accelerated breathing rate. In this week’s blog we discover practices to effectively reduce stress.

Can I Have Your Attention Please?

Can I Have Your Attention Please?

Research has shown that our attention spans have shrunk drastically over the past few decades. This isn't surprising with the opportunities to engage with our electronic devices, the proliferation of social media, and numerous options for distracting ourselves with entertainment, such as streaming. Find the tools to focus here!

Comparing Ourselves to Others

Comparing Ourselves to Others

How often have you felt pretty good about yourself and then saw something on social media or elsewhere that caused you to second guess yourself? Comparing ourselves to others is not new, but the proliferation of opportunities to do this today can take a toll on our self-esteem. Here's an exercise to help you explore how to lessen the impact of this age-old problem.

Give Yourself a Digital Time Out

Give Yourself a Digital Time Out

Digital devices are great tools to help us with various essential tasks and are critical to our lives. During the pandemic, we became even more reliant on them for work, education, shopping, and social connections. Yet, giving ourselves time away from our devices is a healthy and refreshing break everyone needs. Discover tools in this post!