
Planning a Trip Later This Year?

Planning a Trip Later This Year?

Today, I took a giant leap of faith and booked flights for Thanksgiving. Like most of you, going to the grocery store has been my big “travel opportunity” lately. So, booking airfare ten months from now was a big step. Almost immediately, I felt a little better and began to imagine what it would be like to travel without fear and anxiety. Reflecting on how my plans boosted my mood, I wondered if there was research on this topic. Here’s what I found…

Easing Travel Tension

Easing Travel Tension

Traveling at any time can be stressful, but especially during the holidays. This is exactly the time when having control of our attention can make all the difference. Having spent literally decades in airports, Levelhead’s CEO, Saundra Schrock, shares her useful tips to ease travel tension by turning it into a mindfulness practice.