
Are Our Beliefs Sabotaging Healthy Habits?

Are Our Beliefs Sabotaging Healthy Habits?

When we believe that our behaviors are unchangeable, we easily give up and say to ourselves, “I knew I could never do that.” So, let’s take a look at the silent messages that are holding you back - your limiting beliefs - and what to do about them.

Why Habit Change is Hard

Why Habit Change is Hard

Mindfulness is defined as the awareness that arises when we pay attention in the present moment, on purpose, and non-judgmentally. To understand how mindfulness is involved in forming habits, let’s learn about two systems of the brain and how they impact your behavior.

Creating Healthy Habits

Creating Healthy Habits

At the beginning of the year, we make commitments to stop unhealthy habits and start healthy ones. However, no matter how committed we are, we need help maintaining new routines. Even after a few weeks we get off track. WHY do we do this and WHAT can we do about it?

Overhaul Your Relationships

Overhaul Your Relationships

What gives us meaning and purpose in our lives are the relationships we have with others. However, some relationships are no longer supportive or nourishing. Some may be draining or even toxic. Not all relationships are meant to be forever. Life is too short to spend time with people that don’t build you up and make you happy. Here’s some ideas on what to do…

Spring Clean Your Digital World

Spring Clean Your Digital World

Even though our digital world is often where we spend a lot of our time, it might not be the first thing that comes to mind for your Spring cleaning activity. You may have heard that unplugging from your technology regularly can be a great way to cleanse your mind. However, a digital spring cleaning includes a lot more. Here are a few ideas to consider…

Declutter Your Space

Declutter Your Space

Our environments are often full of distractions. Our phones, emails, piles of unfinished work, notes, and reminders of things we need to do can all be distractions and create stress. Often there is so much stuff in our environment that we barely notice what’s there. That’s why decluttering our space can be a great place to jumpstart Spring cleaning activities. Here’s where and how to start…

Spring Clean Your Life

Spring Clean Your Life

Anytime is a good time to complete a Spring clean of our lives because it frees up mental space. It gives us the energy to take on new things. Spring is a natural point for us to consider our mental well-being and reconnect to things that support the life we want to live. It is a great time to reflect on: where have we been, where are we now, and where do we want to go.